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  1. Software
  2. Operating Systems
  3. Windows Server 2012
  4. Microsoft Windows Server Datacenter 2012 R2, 2 CPU, Open Academisch

Microsoft Windows Server Datacenter 2012 R2, 2 CPU, Open Academisch

Max nr: 3918301 | EAN: | Fabrikant : Microsoft | Type: P71-07822
  • Microsoft Windows Server Datacenter 2012 R2, 2 CPU, Open Academisch
Afbeeldingen kunnen afwijken van realiteit.
2.182,38 incl. BTW
of 727,46 in 3 termijnen, 0% rente
De enige gratis betaalmethode voor gespreid betalen waarbij je in drie keer je aankoopbedrag betaalt tegen een rente van 0%.
200 stuks op voorraad bij leverancier

Meer dan 4 weken
Verzendkosten 3,95 incl. BTW
Belangrijkste specificaties
  • Licentietype: Academisch
Alle product specificaties

Vragen over dit product?
013 - 5774574
Logo Microsoft
With a customizable platform and price advantages for volume purchasing, The Open programs provide a simple, cost effective way for small and midsize organizations to acquire the latest Microsoft technology.


With an initial purchase of five or more licenses, you can acquire products as you need them over the term of your agreement.

In addition to options for commercial businesses, Microsoft also offers Open Programs for the following industries:

- Government organizations
- Health organizations
- Educational institutions
- Qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
- Multinational organizations
Licentietype Academisch
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